Skimmia Japonica (Japanese Skimmia) 深山樒(ミヤマシキミ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are the flower buds of skimmia japonica or more commonly known as Japanese skimmia. These buds open to tiny fragrant white flowers in March to May, but the leaves and fruits are toxic (containing alkaloids), and this is suggested in the name "skimmia." The term "skimmia" is derived from the Japanese words "ashiki mi," which means "bad fruit."

But the plant has another name "oku ryou" in Japan, meaning 100,000,000 ryou because the fruits are bigger than those of ardisia crenata (Christmas berry), which is called "man ryou" or "10,000 ryou." Ryou is a unit of weight and currency used in Japan and other Asian countries.   

Skimmia japonica 深山樒

Japanese skimmia ミヤマシキミ

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