Enkianthus Perulatus (White Enkianthus) Winter Buds Start to Open  灯台躑躅(ドウダンツツジ)の冬芽が開きました

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

A week ago, I saw the tiny (i.e., less than 1 cm tall) capsule shaped winter buds of enkianthus perulatus (i.e., white enkianthus). They were buds but not "flower" buds but "winter" buds. A winder bud, i.e., a bud of not only flowers, but also leaves and twigs, is dormant and enclosed in a protective covering to survive winter (Lexico). And ta-dah! See? They've started to open!! 

I didn't expect, however, that the buds would grow into such bright red shoots, so I googled and found Professor Kunijiro Yoshitama at Kumamoto University saying that although it wasn't fully understood yet why the shoots of some plants are red, the following are known:
  1. The temperature of red leaves is higher than that of green leaves.
  2. The red pigment in leaves (i.e., anthocyanin) is antibacterial and prevents larvae.
  3. The red pigment in leaves (i.e., anthocyanin) promotes the development of chloroplast while protecting the plastid from ultraviolet rays.   
How clever of plants! By the way, a baby is "aka chan" in Japanese, meaning "red chan" because babies are red when they're born😆. ("Chan" is one of the Japanese honorifics most frequently used for small children and girls.)

Enkianthus perulatus winter buds start to open  灯台躑躅の冬芽が開き始めました

The baby shoots are red for reasons! 若葉が赤いのには理由があるんです!

Not open yet on January 15  1月15日はまだ開いていませんでした
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  1. 葉が赤いと葉の温度(葉温)は高くなる。
  2. 赤い色素(アントシアン)には抗菌作用や虫の幼虫を寄せつけない作用がある。
  3. 赤い色素は、葉緑体(緑色色素を作り、光合成を行う器官)の発達を促進する働き、および発達中の葉緑体を紫外線から守る働きを持つ。

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