Yuki Tsuri - Japanese Way to Protect Trees from Snow 雪吊り(ゆきつり)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These cone shaped things are "yuki tsuri" at the Hama Rikyu Garden. Yuki tsuri is a Japanese technique to protect trees from heavy snow with straw ropes that are attached to the ends of the tree's longer branches. The technique is commonly seen in the Hokuriku region where it heavily snows, such as Kanazawa city, while in Tokyo where it rarely snows, yuki tsuri functions more as a seasonal decoration. The yuki tsuri, the blue sky and the skyscrapers created a surreal contrast. 

The Hama Rikyu Garden, about 62 acres, was built by Tsunashige Tokugawa in 1654 on reclaimed land from Tokyo Bay. The garden was transferred to the Imperial Household Agency in 1870, then to Tokyo in 1945 and opened as a public garden in the following year. You can always enjoy some flowers/plants from cherry blossoms to autumn foliage in the garden.

Yuki tsuri to protect trees from snow 雪吊り

Hama Rikyu Garden 浜離宮恩賜庭園

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