Fruits of Kousa Dogwood (Cornus Kousa) 山法師の実

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are fruits of Cornus kousa or more commonly kousa dogwood or Japanese dogwood. It's known that white and pink kousa dogwood flowers are beautiful but its fruits are also pretty. The thing is that this year, the rainy season in Japan finished in late June, i.e., nearly one month earlier than usual, it became extremely hot right after the rainy season, like 40°C or 104°F, and now kousa dogwood trees, which usually produce fruits in September, have started to fruit much earlier than usual. What will happen next?    

Kousa dogwood 山法師

Cornus kousa ヤマボウシ

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山法師の実です。 ピンクの花も美しいですが、実もとってもかわいいですね。今年は梅雨明けが早く、梅雨明け直後に酷暑となりました。そして9月ごろに実を付けるはずのヤマボウシがこんなに早く実を付け始めました。大丈夫かしら。。。

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