Silene Vulgaris (Bladder Campion) 白玉草(シラタマソウ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Plants attract you by many things, e.g., color, smell, or taste. Silene vulgaris or bladder campion attracts me by its flower shape, which is represented in its Japanese name "shiratama plant," meaning "small mochi dumpling plant." The dumplings are used to make traditional Japanese sweets, often served with sweet red bean paste. My mom made fruit punch including shiratama mochi dumplings for my birthday when I was a kid.
Next day, I went there again to see the flowers, finding everything around there, not only weeds but also the bladder campion, had all been got rid of and replaced by other plants😂.  

Silene vulgaris 白玉草

Bladder campion シラタマソウ

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白玉草(シラタマソウ)です。形がとってもユニークです。白玉に形が似てるから「白玉草」ですが、英語だと「bladder campion」で「bladder」は膀胱という意味。膀胱がたくさんぶら下がっているなんて考えただけでゾーっとしますね。でもとってもかわいいので翌日また見に行ったらそのあたり一帯全部植え替えされていました。。。😂

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