Two Species of Oenothera 松宵草たち(マツヨイグサの仲間)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Because of the recent heatwave across Japan, almost all flowers in my neighborhood are gone but these Oenothera flowers. The flowers resemble each other but the Oenothera in the 1st photo are much shorter than that in the 2nd photo. This is understandable because they are of two different species.   
  • 1st photo: Oenothera stricta or Chilean evening primrose
  • 2nd photo: Oenothera biennis or common evening-primrose
According to Wikipedia, the Oenothera has more than 140 species.

Oenothera stricta or Chilean evening primrose 松宵草(マツヨイグサ)

Oenothera biennis or common evening-primrose 雌待宵草(メマツヨイグサ)

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