This is Tradescantia pallida or more commonly purple-heart. The pink petals, deep purple leaves, and yellow stamens (look at the 2nd photo!) are so beautiful!
Tradescantia pallida 紫御殿 |
Hi! I'm Kei Narujima. This is a blog about flowers/plants🌼and bugs🐛, and sometimes art and unique Japanese culture that make you smile or think (or so I hope)!! こんにちは。花や虫、そして時々日本の文化などについて書いてます😊。税務英語については をご覧ください。
英語の後に日本語が続きます。 Japanese cornel (Cornus officinalis) trees, which had only a few buds ready to open a week ago, are now in almost full bloom!...
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