Autumn Leaves - Their Way of Turning Red 紅葉してますけどそれが何か?


I was doing jump rope and squats in a small park nearby this morning as usual, turned around, saw this, and murmured, "What the hell?," and then burst out laughing! Autumn leaves usually make me say "Wow" with their magnificent color gradients, but this vine of leaves caught my eye with not the bright red color but their way of being! Every leaf has their own way of turning red. 

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今朝、いつものように近所の公園で縄跳びして、スクワットして振り返ったらありました。思わず「ぷっ!」紅葉って大体「わあっ、きれい」みたいな反応だと思うのですが、これはどうでしょう。。。 でも失礼ですよね。「紅葉してますけどそれが何か?」と言われちゃいそうです。

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Pomegranate - Dried Up but Still Beautiful 干からびた柘榴(ザクロ)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I have no idea about how it got there. It's a pomegranate or I should say a rotten and dried up pomegranate but it's ...