Nara Cuisine - Narazuke Pickled Gourds 瓢箪の奈良漬

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Narazuke pickles of gourds 瓢箪の奈良漬け

This summer, I bought a box of narazuke pickles at Imanishi Honten in Nara prefecture. Imanishi's narazuke pickles are different from others, i.e., they aren't unnaturally sweet, as this store doesn't use artificial sweeteners, preservatives or food colorings, but only uses sake kasu, lees from sake production. I've enjoyed a variety of pickles, i.e., cucumbers, gourds, eggplants and watermelons, for the last month, but when eating the last pickles yesterday, I found the shape of pickled gourds so cute. Can you see it in the picture? There is one more thing we can enjoy. After eating all the pickles, we can put cheese, fish or meat, etc., into sake lees to season them. I put three pieces of raw chicken meat into the residual sake lees and look forward to grilling them for dinner tomorrow. I'm going to Nara this December and definitely get another box again!

Narazuke pickles of gourds

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