Unconscious Bias Against Short Pants 私、差別してました

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

"Salaryman" with short pants
"Men wearing short suit pants are geeks," said my former coworker. She wasn't talking about male models wearing short pants, but ordinary Japanese male employees (salaryman in Japanese) wearing short suit pants like the man in the drawing.

First I found it funny and wrote a post about it. But a friend of mine, to whom I showed this picture before publishing it, told me, "That is your prejudice against men who like short suit pants."

I have taken "inclusive" seminars in which I learned that everyone had an unconscious bias. But I was literally unconscious that I myself had one. It's easy to notice and criticize others' prejudices and biases, whether conscious or not, but this incident made me realize again how difficult it is to look at myself objectively. 



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