Never Underestimate "等 (Tou)"! - No.2 「等」の訳し方 - No.2

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Look at the two terms below.

株式交換  → kabushiki koukan          → share-for-share exchange 
株式交換 → kabushiki koukan tou    → share-for-share exchange, etc.???

Can you see the difference? Yes. The only difference is "tou (等)," which means "etc." So, you must have assumed that "株式交換or kabushiki koukan tou" meant "share-for-share exchange and other similar transactions," mustn't you? 

NOOOOOOOO!! "株式交換等 or kabushiki koukan tou" means "SQUEEZE-OUT through share-for-share exchange, etc." (See this for details.). So, if non-tax professional Japanese people say "share-for-share exchange, etc.," I'm pretty sure they mean SQUEEZE-OUT

Tax professionals have already started using "Sukui-zu out (スクイーズアウト)," i.e., the katakana form of "squeeze-out" rather than "kabushiki koukan tou or share-for-share exchange, etc." I hope from the bottom of my heart that the official term in Japanese for "squeeze-out" will be changed to "スクイーズアウト (sukui-zu out)" as soon as possible. 

If you're interested in how powerful "tou (等)" can be, read 'Never Underestimate "等 (Tou)",' too!!

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株式交換  → share-for-share exchange 
株式交換 → share-for-share exchange, etc.???


「等」がどれだけパワフルになれるかにご興味ある方は「Never Underestimate "等 (Tou)"! 「等」の訳し方」もご覧ください。

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