2022 is the Year of the Tiger🐯! - Japanese Zodiac Signs 来年は寅年だ🐯!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are trees made of stuffed animals of tigers currently on show at Tokyo International Forum. Every December, the facility displays trees of stuffed animals of the zodiac sign of the coming year and this year it has three tiger trees because 2022 is the Year of the Tiger🐯!!

The Japanese zodiac signs are the following 12 in this order, meaning that 2022 will be the Year of the Tiger and 2023 will be the Year of Rabbit, and 2021 was the Year of Ox and 2020 was the year of the Rat, and people born in the year of each sign are said to have the following personalities. (So, for example, if you were born in 2000, your zodiac sign is Dragon, so see 5 below!) 
  1. 🐭 Rat - Be adaptable, resourceful, sociable, honest, calm, but nosy
  2. 🐂 Ox - Be quiet, patient, at their own pace, but when angry, out of control 
  3. 🐯 Tiger - Be romantic, brave, enjoy challenges, but stubborn and restless 
  4. 🐇 Rabbit - Be graceful, quiet, sensitive, but moody and easily hurt
  5. 🐉 Dragon - Be energetic and competitive, but short-tempered having high pride 
  6. 🐍 Snake - Be considerate, funny, caring, but vindictive having high pride
  7. 🐴 Horse - Be quick-witted, clever, speedy, clown-like, but self-centered  
  8. 🐏 Sheep - Be thoughtful, compassionate, chic, but can't handle pressure well
  9. 🐵 Monkey - Be street smart, popular, sensitive, likable, but restless and impatient  
  10. 🐔 Rooster - Be intuitive, smart, methodical, but not tenacious and a quitter
  11. 🐶 Dog - Be honest, clearheaded, have a strong sense of justice, but negative   
  12. 🐗 Boar - Be conscientious, honest, caring, but short-tempered and rush recklessly
Have you found your zodiac sign and your personalities? By the way, the term "sheeple," i.e., a combination of the words sheep and people, is used in The Matrix Resurrections, to criticize those who want to be controlled without thinking for themselves. I was born in the Year of the Sheep, but definitely don't want to be controlled by anybody!😆 

If you're interested in such zodiac trees last year and the year before, read the posts about the Rat tree for 2020 and the Ox/Cow tree for 2021

2022 is the Year of the Tiger 来年は寅年

Japanese zodiac tree for 2022 干支ツリー

Tiger tree for 2022 寅ツリー

Japanese zodiac tree for 2022 干支ツリー 

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ところで「マトリックス レザレクション」の中で「Sheeple」、つまり「sheep」と「people」を合わせた造語が「自分がなくて他人に支配されたい人」という意味で使われていました。えーっ、ヒツジだけど他人には支配されたかないよ~(笑)


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