Blood Type and Personality in Japan 血液型と性格

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Japanese people often assume the personality of others based on the blood type because in Japan many believe that people with each blood type are said to have the following personality traits:
  • A  Down-to-earth and careful 
  • B  At their own pace, curious  
  • O  Positive and sociable
  • AB   Reasonable and two-faced   
Hearing people talking about the blood type always reminds me of one of the professors of the social psychology department at the university I went to. 

In the fourth year, we started to talk about the subject of theses as we had to write theses and get a certain number of credits to graduate. Some were considering writing about self cognition, discrimination or rumor. I was thinking about buying behavior. And another said he'd decided to focus on the blood type and personality. A few days later, however, he told us that he'd changed the subject because of the professor's strong opposition and why.    

He said that the professor's father was a professor of forensic medicine, specializing in the ABO blood group system, so our professor, i.e., his son, detested someone classifying people based on the blood type because that wasn't scientific and was an insult to his father's achievements. I agree, and think Japan has another way of telling people's personality, i.e., sibling relationship. 

The Japanese language distinguishes elderly brothers from younger brothers and elderly sisters from younger sisters. Also, elderly brothers and sisters can call younger brothers and sisters by their first names but not vice versa. Younger brothers and sisters generally call their big brothers and sisters "oniichan" and "oneechan," meaning "big brother" and "big sister." This should contribute to forming some kind of vertical relationship between brothers and sisters. So, what is used in your country to tell people's personality?    

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