Year of the Ox/Cow🐂🐄 Is Coming! 丑ツリー🐂🐄!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are New Year trees of ox/cow to welcome New Year 2021 or the Year of the Ox🐂Cow🐄. I wanted to take photos of their Christmas trees, i.e., trees with oxen and cows in Santa costumes, but I couldn't because I've been working from home and therefore haven't been to the office since February. These trees are near my office, and when I went there on December 25, the oxen and cows had already taken off Christmas costumes😭    

2021 is the Year of Ox/Cow 来年は丑年

Cow tree 雌牛ツリー

Oxen and cows side by side 雄牛と雌牛が仲良く

Ox/cow tree 牛ツリー

I was "happy" last year, enjoying cawaii Santa rat trees and New Year rat trees (2020 is the Year of the Rat) without thinking of anything like Covid-19 to happen. Now, however, with this Covid situation, I sincerely hope and pray that any vaccine(s) will work and everything will return to normal next year (but working from home... Viva WFH!😝). 

By the way, Japanese doesn't differentiate ox and cow, calling both "牛 (ushi)," but the Year of "Ushi" is usually translated to the Year of the "Ox," which is gender discrimination, isn't it!😁   

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牛ツリーです🐂🐄 毎年この時期になると翌年の干支のツリーが国際フォーラムに飾られます。クリスマスまではサンタさん、その後は新年の装いで、去年はサンタネズミツリーと新年ネズミツリーと両方楽しんだのですが、今年は在宅勤務で気づいたらクリスマスが終わってました😭

思えば去年はこんなことになることも知らずのんきだったな~♬ 来年はワクチンが効いて日常に戻りたいものです。(ただし、在宅勤務だけは続けたい。。。 在宅万歳😜)

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