Social Distancing Reduces Family Stress ソーシャルディスタンスでストレス減らしました。。。

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

You may want to believe that your parents are like you, but I know for a fact that's not necessarily true...

My mom called me a few days ago. She said that she and my dad were angry because I hadn't been to their house for the last nine months. She said that I'd been doing terrible things, especially to my father (i.e., not seeing him for such a long time). She said that he loved me so much that if I loved my father, too, I should (have) come to see more of him.

I haven't seen my parents recently for a simple reason, i.e., Covid-19. I don't want to infect them. But to tell the truth, there's another reason. I don't want to be infected, either. Neither my dad nor mom wears a mask. They seem to believe that they won't get infected or infect anyone. They are like Trump supporters....  

Just seeing someone without a mask based on different values is okay. Watching President Trump speaking loudly without a mask, surrounded by people also without masks on TV, was absolutely okay with me but someone close to me doing the same is a different story...

Covid-19 has made me realize again how family members can be that different even after living together for so many years!! Fortunately (or unfortunately), there is one thing on which I and my parents completely agree - I'm different from them. 

The thing is that Japan has no concept of "tolerance," so my parents would harshly criticize or "order" me to come to their house before Covid-19, but now Japan has an official phrase of "social distancing"!! I'm pretty sure that many Japanese people with family problems can use this phrase to properly distance from their family members without being told that they are cold or inhuman.....

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数日前、母から電話がありました。私が最近実家に行かないと怒っていました。こんなに長期間ほったらかすのはひどい仕打ちだとブツブツ。。。 ええ、もちろん家には行きません。コロナうつしたくないですもの。

でも実はもう一つ理由が。両親、マスクしないんです。するように言っても聞かない。。。 自分たちは「うつらない、うつさない」と思っているようです。トランプさんたちがマスクなしで集会するのは全然よかったんですけど、身近にそういう人がいるとかなり大変😱。。。 家族なのにどうしてこうも考え方が違うんでしょう!


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