Is the Daffodil Chinese or Japanese? 中国水仙?日本水仙?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Three daffodil flowers were in bloom early morning in early December....  

Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis 日本水仙

Chinese sacred lily or in Japan "Japanese daffodil"   中国水仙?

This is narcissus tazetta var. chinensis, bunch-flowered daffodil, or Chinese sacred lily.... ? It's strange because the flower is called in Japan "Japanese daffodil"....

Japan has imported and learned many things from China, Korea and other Asian countries, making them "Japanese"! This flower must be one such thing. That's why I like Tokyo National Museum. Its Asian gallery has many items, like porcelain, statues and artefacts, which are categorized by country, but look similar and related. 

Many Japanese focus too much on differences from other Asian countries, but don't know that they are often mistaken for Chinese or Korean in the U.S. and European countries. It's like in Japan, not some but many, especially the elderly, assume that white people are all Americans, speaking English... I consider myself Japanese and Asian.     

Back to the original topic, this daffodil, whether Chinese or Japanese, is very pretty😊 

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日本水仙です。英語では学名「narcissus tazetta var. chinensis」、通称「Chinese sacred lily」。。。?むむむ、中国水仙?


日本人は他のアジア人との「違い」に目を向ける人が多いように思います。でも海外だと日本人も中国人も韓国人もみんなモンゴロイド。。。 それと日本では、白人は全員アメリカ人で英語話すと思っている人(特に年配の人)が多いですよね。私は自分を「日本人であるアジア人」だと思ってます。


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