Earthquake Clouds, Rainbow, Moon 地震雲、虹、月

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

What's this? I took these pictures early morning a few days ago... 

"Umai bo," small, puffed, corn snack? うまい棒?

Or nine tails of a fox? 九尾の狐?

Some say that these are earthquake clouds, i.e., clouds predicting imminent earthquakes, while others are against the claim saying there is little support for it. I don't know which is true but these clouds were so beautiful that I decided to include other beautiful photos I took before of the rainbow, moon and clouds...

Morning glow on November 20 朝焼け

Early October 10月初旬に撮りました

Morning full moon on December 1 朝の満月

Right tip looks like an angel's feather on November 30 右端が天使の羽みたい

Morning glow a few days ago つい先日の朝焼け

It may be too early, but 2020 will soon be over, so I looked back, finding luckily, I haven't had Covid-19 or any serious illnesses so far. I'm an atheist, but believe in and grateful to something greater than ourselves😊 

I wish you a Merry Christmas🎄 and a Happy New Year🐂!! (I added an ox character because the zodiac sign next year is OX!!)

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もうすぐ今年も終わりです。(今のところ)コロナにもかからず、こんなに綺麗な写真を撮ることができました。私は特にどの宗教も信じてはいませんが、神様、ありがとう😊 そしてメリークリスマス🎄!よいお年を🐂!

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