"Things Left Unsaid" Should Be Said! - Covid-19 Spreads By Airborne Transmission コロナは空気感染します!! 

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

What irritates me most about translation is evasiveness, and the term that has been irritating me most recently is "airborne" because in Japan "airborne" has not been translated in the context of Covid-19. 

As a result, most Japanese know infection occurs in the above two ways (i.e., droplets and contact), but are ignorant of possible infection through airborne transmission of smaller droplets containing the virus. This is the deliberate withholding of information and tantamount to a lie. I'm sure you understand that politicians saying restaurants with 30cm high partitions installed between tables are "safe" piss me off.

Historically in Japan, nothingness or emptiness has a special meaning as suggested in the two Japanese proverbs "言わぬが花 (i.e., Better left unsaid)" and "余白の美 (i.e., The beauty of empty space)," but things left unsaid have often resulted in misunderstanding or even forcing others (often subordinates) to sontaku, i.e., surmise someone else’s (often their superior's) desires, making the subordinate end up being a scapegoat and even kill themselves. 

Japan needs to stop being evasive and should be more articulate to provide correct information that Covid-19 spreads through "airborne transmission." Japanese government's evasiveness and inarticulateness should stop. And the public should also stop supporting politicians and lawmakers who speak but whose words have no meaning.  

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コロナの感染経路、日本では公式にもマスコミでも「空気感染」という言葉は使われません。でも、米国CDCのホームページには「COVID-19 can sometimes be spread by airborne transmission.(コロナは airborne transmission で広がる可能性があります。)」と明記されています。

「airborne transmission」をどう訳すかは医療専門家の仕事ですが、どう考えても「空気感染、空気伝染」といったところではないでしょうか。



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