A Japanese Hoarder... 捨てられない男。。。

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

My husband is a bookworm, so his room is full of books, which is okay, but he also has a lot of things in his room, like envelopes, receipts, letters, cardboard boxes, etc., which no longer are necessary.

He hoards everything. He can't throw things away, so he keeps everything he no longer uses or needs. He even kept a wedding ring from the first marriage. In other words, he's the opposite from me, who throws away everything I haven't used for generally two years. I even no longer buy paper books as I read on Kindle. You may think I and my husband are a good match, but NOOOOOO! His hoarding everything frustrates me!!😠 

My husband also has a ritual to perform before throwing things away, i.e., puts them somewhere else before throwing. For example, he always places a can in the corner of the sink before putting it into a trash can. And when I ask him what he's going to do with it, he always says he "just" placed it there, but his "just" means not five minutes, but A FEW DAYS or MORE... 

But finally, it happened a few days ago!!! He went in and out of his room several times, then came to me, proudly announcing that he'd thrown away more than 50 (according to him) cardboard boxes!! I was so proud of him that I went to his room, expecting his "room constipation" to go away, but found nothing changed.... It was still filled with tons of things, which seem to me junk.... 

But I'm an optimist. I believe someday, every junk will go away. It's just the beginning of the end of his room constipation or I hope so...😂

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ところがです。つい先日、彼の部屋から音が。。。 出たり入ったり。。。 なんとお部屋の整理♬ 段ボールをくくってごみ置き場に運んだとのこと。しかも50個以上!!! えらい!

で、部屋に行ったんですけど。。。 何も変わってない。。。😂 本も箱も紙もまだあふれてる。でもいいんです。いつかきっと。。。 いつか。。。 今日は終わりの始まりなんです! 人生明るく行きましょ!

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