These are daffodils (Narcissus) or more specifically Chinese sacred lilies (Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis). Their color contrast and posture is so beautiful that I stopped for a while to enjoy their beauty.
The Chinese sacred lily is called in Japanese "nihon suisen," meaning "Japanese daffodil," which made me smile awkwardly like when I found that the Cornus kousa had several English common names, i.e., Chinese dogwood, Korean dogwood, and Japanese dogwood.
2025/1/22 |
2025/1/22 |
2024/1/8 |
2024/1/8 |
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これは日本水仙のようですが、日本水仙の英語名は Chinese sacred lily。「中国の清らかな百合」という意味です。あれれ。ちなみにヤマボウシの英語の通称は Chinese dogwood、Korean dogwood、Japanese dogwood です。きっとこだわる人がいるんですね。こういうこと結構あります。
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