Loneliness - Ohitorisama at a Nearby Cafe カフェのおひとり様

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

It was a holiday, so I went to a famous cafe restaurant in my neighborhood, Toyosu Tokyo. I often go to Piatto, an also nearby good Italian restaurant, when I take a day off, but that day I wanted to try a new place.

What I hate most about being solo at restaurants is that waiters/waitresses are colder at some restaurants to ohitorisama or solo female customers and unfortunately I found the cafe restaurant was one of such restaurants, treating customers differently depending on whether they are solo or group.

Restaurants may have a reason for being grumpy to solo customers, but since ohirotisama, i.e., solo female customers, have been increasing in Japan as I wrote previously, it's time for restaurant staff to learn how to communicate with solo customers in an ordinary manner, e.g., saying hello as they do to group customers, coming to timely take orders, and among other things, smiling at them. People, whether alone or in a group, come to restaurants just to enjoy a nice meal.

有休をとったのでふらっと近所のカフェに行った。普段は Piatto という近所のイタリアンレストランに行くのだが、新しい所を開拓したくなったのだ。レストランで一番嫌なのは、おひとり様への対応が冷たいこと。Piatto は大丈夫。でも初めていったそのカフェは残念!


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