Prunus Cerasifera Var. Atropurpurea (Purple Leaf Plum) 紅葉李(ベニバスモモ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are the blossoms of Prunus cerasifera var. atropurpurea or more commonly known as purple leaf plum. Two years ago, I took them for Somei Yoshino cherry blossoms, but it's understandable. Both are in the Prunus genus. (So, many Japanese make the same mistake.) One clear difference is that purple leaf trees have purple leaves as suggested by both its English and Japanese names.   

Prunus cerasifera var. atropurpurea 紅葉李

Purple leaf plum ベニバスモモ

Almost in full blossom ほぼ満開

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紅葉李(ベニバスモモ)です。2年前に染井吉野と間違ったのですがそれも当然。日本語だと「スモモ」と「サクラ」で全然違いますが、英語の学名だと両方 Prunus が付く(つまり同じ Prunus 属)です。

ただ、紅葉李はその名の通り葉が赤く、英語でも「purple leaf plum」。分かりやすいです。

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