Shepherd's Purse (Capsella Bursa-Pastoris) ナズナ(ペンペングサ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is Capsella bursa-pastoris or more commonly known as shepherd's purse. I love this plant because of its tininess and hardiness, so I was surprised that this tiny plant was protocarnivorous. According to Brooklyn Botanic Garden, '... When moistened in the soil, its (shepherd's purse') seed exudes a sweet, mucilaginous substance that entraps and then digests small insects and microorganisms. As the seed germinates, the nutrients from the insects feed the seedling....' So, this plant, which is so tiny and looks so fragile, eats bugs...

P.S. I've started to watch not only Japanese news programs but also BBC news everyday to monitor any developments in Ukraine. The firm I work for also has been working to help the victims of Russian aggression against Ukraine for the last couple of weeks. I really hope the economic sanctions will work as soon as possible and also the majority of Russian people, who, I (want to) believe, hope for peace, will change their own country themselves. 

Shepherd's purse ナズナ

Capsella bursa-pastoris ペンペングサ

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ナズナ(ペンペングサ)です。こんなにちっちゃいのに何と「半食虫」植物です。種子から甘い物質を出して小さい虫を捕らえ消化して、発芽する際の養分にするとのこと(出典:Brooklyn Botanic Garden)。こんなか細いのに虫を溶かして食べるのね。。。


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