Vicia Sativa (Common Vetch) 烏野豌豆(カラスノエンドウ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is Vicia sativa or more commonly known as common vetch. The stark contrast between the purple flowers and the deep green leaves stopped me. 

People in Japan call common vetch "crow vetch" as opposed to calling tiny vetch (i.e., Vicia hirsuta) "sparrow vetch" just because the former is larger than the latter like crows being bigger than sparrows. They also call Vicia tetrasperm, which is in size between crow and sparrow vetches, "vetch between crow and sparrow." 

Sparrow vetch produces tiny flowers later than crow vetch. I'm already looking forward to seeing them in April.   

Vicia sativa 烏野豌豆

Common vetch カラスノエンドウ

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