Oshima and Yoshino Cherry Blossoms - Which is Which? 大島桜と染井吉野の見分け方

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

People say that Oshima cherry (Prunus speciosa) blossoms are white while Yoshino cherry (Prunus x yedoensis) blossoms are whitish pink, but these two resemble each other very much when Oshima cherry blossoms turn whitish pink just before falling. I didn't know this last year, so I thought Oshima cherry had white and whitish pink cultivars, but I was wrong. Another difference between the two is that Oshima cherry trees start to produce fresh green leaves at the same time when starting to bloom (while Yoshino produces leaves after the blossoms fall).   

This post includes pictures of Oshima and Yoshino cherry blossoms. Can you tell which is which? 

If you want to see pure white Oshima cherry blossoms, read this post!

If you're interested in bright pink cherry blossoms, such as Yoko, Okame, Kawazu, and Taiwan cherry blossoms, click the link(s)!

Oshima cherry 大島桜

Yoshino cherry 染井吉野

Oshima cherry 大島桜

Yoshino cherry 染井吉野

Oshima cherry 大島桜

Prunus x yedoensis blossoms 染井吉野

Yoshino (left) and Oshima cherry trees 染井吉野(左)と大島桜

Oshima cherry 大島桜

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