Calystegia Pubescens (Japanese Bindweed) 昼顔(ヒルガオ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is Calystegia pubescens or more commonly known as Japanese bindweed. Like Philadelphia fleabane, Japanese bindweed is everywhere in my neighborhood now, so I ignored the plant until I found again a horsefly but this time absorbed in eating pollen on a flower (2nd picture). 

Japanese bindweed is called "Hirugao" in Japanese, meaning "Belle de jour," and in Japan, "Belle de Jour" is known as the title of a TV drama based on the plot of the novel of the same title by Joseph Kessel (or the film of the same title by Luis Buñuel).      

Calystegia pubescens 昼顔

Absorbed in eating breakfast on Japanese bindweed flowerhead 食事中です

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ちなみにフランス語で「昼顔」は「Belle de jour」でアサガオを意味します。

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