Pale and Bright Pink Lacecap Hydrangeas (Hydrangea Macrophylla F. Normalis) 薄ピンクと明るいピンクの額紫陽花

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

The rainy season will start soon in Japan, and that means the hydrangea season will, too (or has already started!) These are pale and bright pink hydrangeas in my neighborhood. 

The head of a hydrangea flower mainly consists of sepals (i.e., the parts looking like petals) and florets (i.e., the tiny round things surrounded by the sepals), and when it comes to lacecap hydrangeas, I'm usually attracted by their florets, like the florets changing from green to blue then to pink and the florets changing from green to red, but for these two types of pink hydrangeas, their sepals, especially the pale and translucent pink ones, caught my eye. If you love hydrangeas, read the following posts, too!

Pale pink lacecap hydrangea 薄ピンク

Bright pink lacecap hydrangea 明るいピンク

May 24

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