Adventures of a Roly Poly Climbing Up a Bushkiller ダンゴムシの冒険 - 藪枯らしを登る

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is a roly poly on Causonis japonica or commonly known as bushkiller. The plant is so invasive that most Japanese sites about it on the internet are about how to get rid of it. 

Today's focus is, however as you see in these photos, not bushkiller but a roly poly on the plant as tall as 1 meter. A roly poly is about 1 cm long, so 1 meter for roly polies is 150 to 200 meters high for human beings. Can you imagine climbing up a tree as 150 to 200 meters high? I would never even try😆 

You made it! よく頑張りました! 

A roly poly on Causonis japonica 藪枯らしとダンゴ虫

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