Lagerstroemia Indica (Crape Myrtle) 百日紅(サルスベリ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Almost all the flowers in my neighborhood are gone but these white and red Lagerstroemia indica or more commonly crape myrtle flowers. Something is wrong, however, this year. Some crape myrtle trees already have dark brown dehiscent (i.e., cracked) fruits (3rd photo). 

The crape myrtle has two Japanese names, i.e., "saru suberi," meaning "monkeys slip" because of its slippery bark, on which even monkeys slip, and "hyaku jitsu ko," which means "red for one hundred days" as the tree flowers bloom for a long period of time. 

White flowers of crape myrtle 百日紅

Red flowers of crape myrtle 百日紅

Fruits of crape myrtle 百日紅の実

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百日紅(サルスベリ)です。他の花は暑さでほとんど見かけなくなってしまったので目立ちます。でも何か変。。。 というのも、もう実を付けている百日紅の木もあるんです(3枚目)。しかも既に裂けてます。つまり、種子を飛ばすという大仕事を終えたということですね。お疲れさまでした。


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