Common Bluebottle (Graphium Sarpedon) アオスジアゲハ(青条揚羽)


I took a day off yesterday but it was not a day off actually. I went to vote for the Tokyo gubernatorial election. I had to go to a bank for some procedure, which made me feel frustrated. (Why not being able to do the procedure online?) To make matters worse, it rained, windy, and extremely humid, and the sandwich I had for lunch was terrible. I was exhausted, then I saw this common bluebottle (Graphium sarpedon) flying before me as if it had been guiding me somewhere. I followed it, praying for it to land on somewhere and voila! Thanks to the terrible weather, the sandwich, and the craxxy bank procedure, I was able to encounter such a beautiful butterfly.🦋 

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昨日有給休暇を取りました。でもやることが多くて。。。 銀行行って(なぜオンラインでできないの??)、選挙行って、他にも用事済ませて、しかも雨・風・湿気。ランチで食べたサンドイッチはパサパサ。最悪な気持ちで歩いていたら、このアオスジアゲハ(青条揚羽)ひらひらと目の前を飛んでいたかと思ったら、低木に止まってくれました。銀行さん、選挙さん、お天気さん、ありがとう。おかげでこんなに綺麗なアゲハ蝶に出会えました。

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