Sea Roach (Ligia Exotica) フナムシ(船虫)


It was around 5 a.m. I was walking as usual along the river in my neighborhood and saw something small and black cross in front of me at GREAT speed. I automatically followed it but suddenly the small thing stopped. It stayed there for ten seconds or so and suddenly started to run again at greater speed. Its move was so cute but its appearance is not so. I didn't know at that time but it was some kind of sea roach (Ligia exotica) according to the research I did at home. Oh, that was a roach... That explains its agility. 

Sea Roach (Ligia exotica) フナムシ(船虫)

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朝ウォーキングしていたら目の前をささっと何かが通り過ぎました。するとパタッと止まり、しばらくじっとしたと思ったらまたさーっと行ってしまいました。そのじっとしている間に取ったのがこの写真です。帰って調べたらフナムシのようです。英語では sea roach。つまり海のゴキブリ。道理で動きが速いわけだ。

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