Asian bluetail (Ischnura asiatica) アジアイトトンボ(亜細亜糸蜻蛉)


Something makes you always feel happy, doesn't it? One such thing for me is this dragonfly, the Asian bluetail (Ischnura asiatica). The bright blue tip of the tail is so beautiful. 

At first, halberd shaped leaves (2nd photo) caught my eye and then the dragonfly on one of the leaves did. The dragonfly is male. Asian bluetails are common in Japan but because of their thinness, you wouldn't be able to find them easily.  

The halberd shaped leaves are Japanese bindweeds. I've seen the flowers many times but noticed the leaf shape for the first time. 

Asian bluetail (Ischnura asiatica) アジアイトトンボ(亜細亜糸蜻蛉)


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