Cherry Blossoms Onto A Tree Trunk 胴吹き桜

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Cherry blossoms usually bloom on the branches, and in Tokyo they've already started to fall, but the blossoms in these photos are not. They're still clinging onto the tree trunk. This often occurs to old trees and there's a reason for that.

Old trees are less energetic, so try to make energy with less cost, i.e., producing leaves for photosynthesis as close to the trunk, which is the main body of the tree, as possible. The thing is however that cherry trees generally produce flowers before leaves and producing flowers costs more energy...

Cherry trees are wise and silly, aren't they? Thanks to this, however, people can still enjoy viewing beautiful cherry blossoms after those on the branches have fallen, and I've come to love cherry trees more than I did before😊.

Yoshino cherry blossoms on the tree trunk 胴吹き桜

Oshima cherry blossoms 大島桜

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エネルギーの不足してきた老木が、急いで葉を増やそうとして幹の途中から芽を出すそうです。光合成を増やすためです。問題は、桜は葉より先に花をつけるということ。花を咲かせるのにはたくさんエネルギー使うのにね。。。 賢いんだか、おっちょこちょいなんだか分かりませんが、前より桜が好きになりました😊

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