Magnolia Liliiflora (Purple Magnolia) 紫木蓮(シモクレン)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is Magnolia liliiflora or more commonly known as purple magnolia. Flowers are usually prettier when they're open than closed, but that's not necessarily true of purple magnolia, is it? The magnolia in the third photo misses a petal, showing its inside. I felt that I was seeing something I shouldn't have.

Magnolia liliiflora 紫木蓮

Purple magnolia シモレクン

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シモクレンです。普通花って蕾より開花しているときの方がきれいだと思うのですが、紫モクレンには必ずしも当てはまらないのでは。。。 3枚目の写真、花びらが1枚欠けていて中が丸見え。見ちゃいけないものを見たような気になりました。

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