Fruit of Veronica Polita (Grey Field-Speedwell) イヌノフグリ - 牧野先生は正しかった!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

They're the fruits of Veronica polita or grey field-speedwell. I've been wanting to see them for a reason, i.e., to see if Dr. Makino is right. 

As I've written many times, grey field-speedwell has a terrible Japanese name "Dog balls." The name was given by Tomitaro Makino (1862 - 1957) because, according to him, the fruits look like the balls of a dog. And now I have to admit. He's right... 

Tomitaro Makino is a Japanese botanist. He dropped out of elementary school after two years, but studied botany on his own and eventually received a Doctor of Science degree from The University of Tokyo. If you're interested in the Veronica brothers, read the following posts, too:

Fruits of Veronica polita 犬の殖栗の実

Grey field-speedwell イヌノフグリ

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