Hibiscus Hamabo (Hardy Yellow Hibiscus) 浜朴(ハマボウ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

"You're feeling very sleepy....😪." I heard someone say this when looking at the center of the flower.  

These are hardy yellow hibiscuses (Hibiscus hamabo). The stark contrast between the lemon yellow and the dark red always catches my eye. I wanted to photograph the open yellow flowers but I see them only in the early morning, so the flowers are always half open😂.    

Hibiscus hamabo 浜朴

Hardy yellow hibiscus ハマボウ

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あなたはだんだん眠くなる。。。😪眠くなる。。。 浜朴(ハマボウ)です。鮮やかな黄色の花びらと真っ赤な花芯の対比にいつも目を奪われます。全開の花を撮りたかったのですが早朝のせいかいつも半開きです。残念😂。

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