Sponge Gourd (Luffa Aegyptiaca) ヘチマ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I wish I had them to stir fry them to make a tasty Okinawan cuisine! These are sponge gourds (Luffa aegyptiaca) in a park. Sponge gourds aren't available in any supermarkets in my neighborhood, so I've been wishing the gardener would give me some of them for a couple of weeks and this isn't a silly idea because in October 2020 the gardener gave me several bitter gourds!!

At that time, bitter gourds were planted there and the gardener was looking for someone he was able to give them because although he'd asked many if they ate the gourds, most answered no, i.e., some didn't like the gourds (as they are bitter) and others didn't know how to cook them. I've been praying😆.  

A sponge gourd flower (Luffa aegyptiaca) ヘチマの花
A sponge gourd (Luffa Aegyptiaca) ヘチマ

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ゴロンゴロン、ゴロンゴロン(ずん飯尾のつもり)、庭師さん、このヘチマくれないかな。。。 近所の公園で生っているヘチマです。見込みあると思ってます。だって2020年10月、ここで生っていたゴーヤをくれたんです


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