Pale Grass Blue (Pseudozizeeria Maha) 大和小灰蝶(ヤマトシジミ)


This is a pale grass blue butterfly (Pseudozizeeria maha) and you can see why it's "pale grass BLUE." The upper side of the male is beautiful pale blue!

The pale grass blue resembles the plains cupid (Luthrodes pandava) very much except for the latter having orange spots on the wings, so I once mistook a plains cupid for a pale grass blue. This time, I checked several times to make sure that this had no orange spot on its wings (3rd photo). It's a pale grass blue butterfly!  


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ヤマトシジミ(大和小灰蝶)です。一度クロマダラソテツシジミ(黒斑蘇鉄小灰蝶)と間違ってしまったので今回はきっちり確かめました。羽にオレンジ色の斑点はありません。一見地味ですが、雄の羽の表面は本当にきれいなブルーグレイ。英語の名前(pale grass blue)の通りです。

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