Children for Country? 子供を産まないのは勝手?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

A few days after I wrote about having children to contribute to a country, the Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party ("LDP") of Japan said, "Not to have children is selfish." He went on to say, "During and after the war when Japanese people were living on the edge of starvation, nobody said it's better not to have children because it would be too much trouble, but these days, some people have a selfish idea that it is better not to give birth to children." 

My first reaction to this comment is to ask myself, "Do people choose not to have children because they are so selfish and don't want to bear too much trouble?" I don't think so. They have no kids because they are so concerned about their own future; they were abused; they haven't met someone with whom they want to have children; their spouse is against having kids; or another reason. Assuming that they have no children since they don't want to bear trouble is presumptuous, particularly for a politician. 

Also, what's wrong with being selfish?" Everyone has the right to be selfish while, of course, they have to accept the consequences of their choices, including loneliness resulting from not having children, if any. But making such a choice is none of the country's or Mr. Nikai's business. 

Would it be too presumptuous of me to presume that since having children has caused too much trouble to Nikai, he wants others to bear such trouble or wants to share such experience with others? By the way, Nikai should talk through this with Prime Minster Abe and his wife, Akie, who have no kids. 

先日、子供を産まないことの国家的損失について書いたその数日後に、自民党の二階幹事長が、「この頃、子供を産まない方が幸せじゃないかと勝手なことを考える人がいる... みんな食うや食わずの戦中・戦後の時代に『子供を産んだら大変だから産まないようにしよう』と言った人はいない... 子供をたくさん産み、国が栄え、発展していく方向にしよう」と言ったことが報道された。




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