Journal Writing as Homework 夏休みの日記

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I hated to write daily journals, in particular journals assigned as homework during summer vacations when I was an elementary school student. I went to four Japanese elementary schools and all of them gave such homework.

I hated it because I was bad at it according to teachers. They said that my entries were too simple, telling me to describe how I felt in more detail. But why did I have to describe my feelings to others? To me, writing journals sucked and these teachers telling students to describe their feelings sucked. I was a usual pre-teenager.

I have been able to write posts for this blog for the last ten months because I don't have to lie to myself or entertain or amuse others. I still believe that assigning students to keep journals as homework and forcing students to write about their feelings doesn't do any good to them but teaches how to deceive themselves.



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