Is Japan Becoming Exclusive? 杉田議員の憂鬱

Japanese follows English. 日本語の後に英語が続きます。

Narujima is not my real name. I chose this handle name because Narujima is an anagram of majinaru, marginal in Japanese.

I was marginalized when I was a child for, first of all, too many school changes because of my dad's business and secondly, too snobby classmates of a public high school, which I chose only because of reasonable tuition fees without knowing that most students are from different classes. (Yes, there are classes in Japan or at least there are those believing that they belong to higher classes.) But experiences at these schools, in which I was severely bullied, made me realize the importance of diversity and tolerance because a society without these values suffocates those excluded and makes them sick or sometimes kills them.

This is what has been caused by Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Mio Sugita's remark that LGBTs are unproductive. She's been marginalizing and excluding LGBTs for what? Is giving birth to a child the only way of contributing to society? I thought that lawmakers are supposed to connect people to make society better and more productive for everyone. Sugita's labeling these innocent citizens as a kind of criminals has revealed how unqualified she is as a lawmaker and how exclusive the LDP endorsing her is.

今日は私の名前「なるじまけい」について。「なるじま」というのは本名ではなく、 marginal(マージナル)のアナグラム。子供の頃、頻繁な転校と、通った高校がハイクラス過ぎて(日本にも階級制はあります、あるいは自分はハイクラスに属していると思っている人はいます!)いじめられ、でもおかげで多様性と寛容性が大切だっていうことを体感したのでそのことを忘れないためにつけたハンドルネームだ。



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