White and Lime Green Hydrangeas 白とライムグリーンの紫陽花

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

(Note: This isn't hydrangeas but viburnum plicatum or Japanese snowball. I didn't notice that until April 18, 2021😂.)

Nearly one month has passed since the issuance of a state of emergency in Japan. During that month, the cherry blossom season was over and the following fresh green season is also likely to be over before the easing of restrictions.

But no need to be sad! Japan will soon see various colors of hydrangeas everywhere like these white and lime green ones I found several days ago!

White hydrangea 白い紫陽花

Lime green hydrangea ライムグリーンの紫陽花

Hydrangeas always remind me of the crime fiction I read when I was a kid in which their pink to blue color change led to the finding of a murder weapon, a gun. The color of hydrangeas depends on the pH level of the soil with higher acidity levels resulting in blue flowers and alkaline soil producing pink flowers. But this doesn't apply to white hydrangeas as they don't have anthocyanin, the pigment that changes the color.

Hydrangea is called "purple sun flower" in Japanese. It's not so bad, isn't it?

White hydrangea symbolizes "purity", "grace," "abundance" and "boasting" in the U.K. while "tolerance" in Japan. Floriography came to Japan after the country opened its borders in the late 19th century, but since then, it's been used by the Japanese flower industry for commercial purposes, evolving along a different path....

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桜が終わり、今年は新緑の季節も味わうことなく終わってしまいそう。。。 仕方ないけど悲しい。。。 でも大丈夫。梅雨には紫陽花があるのだ!



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