Do It Now! - My Regret About Onigiri Action😭.... 終わってました😭 - おにぎりアクション

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

An Instagram friend of mine often posted photos of onigiris or rice balls on Instagram to support Onigiri Action 2020. Onigiri Action 2020 is a campaign run by Table for Two in which one post of onigiri photo(s) provides five school meals. I agreed with their intent, but had done nothing until November 1 when I finally made my special onigiri, i.e., brown rice balls with sardine, ginger and mushroom, and took the pictures of them below...  

Brown rice onigiri of sardine, ginger, and mushroom 

Brown rice balls with shiso perilla on them

And guess what I found when I tried to post these pictures!! The campaign had been over on October 31😂 So, I can tell you this with confidence. DO IT NOW or REGRET TOMORROW😭

The recipe is available HERE (but only in Japanese) on the website of NHK, Japan's national broadcaster. They are not only yummy but also nutritious!! Oh, one thing to note! People say in Japan that autumn is the season for appetite. Don't eat too much!!

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インスタ友達の rieo_pomegranate23 さんがおにぎりアクションのためによくおにぎりの写真をインスタにあげてました。おにぎりアクションとはおにぎりの写真を1枚投稿すれば、協賛企業が給食5食分に相当する寄付をするというものです。趣旨に賛同し、私もいつか。。。と思いつつ、日は流れ、11月1日、やっとおにぎりを作って、載せようと思ったらなんと、おにぎりアクション2020、終わってました😂



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