Pomegranate 柘榴(ザクロ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are pomegranate flowers. The bright orange is as beautiful as its fruits' ruby red. But the flower always makes me chuckle😆 because it looks like an octopus sausage🐙😁! By the way, octopuses have no legs but only arms. 

If you want to see a pomegranate shaped sculpture made of agate and ruby (which looks exactly like a pomegranate!), read this post!

Pomegranate flower 柘榴の花

Pomegranate tree ザクロの木

Legs (actually arms) closed 足(実は腕)が閉じた状態

An octopus with open arms??? 腕を広げたタコウィンナー??

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