Narcissus Papyraceus (Paperwhite) 白花水仙(ペーパーホワイト)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is narcissus papyraceus or more commonly paperwhite, the fourth type of narcissus I've ever seen this year following:
Of the four, paperwhite is the whitest as suggested by its name!

Narcissus papyraceus 白花水仙

Commonly "paperwhite" ペーパーホワイト

The whitest narcissus I've ever seen! 今まで見た中で一番白い!

I've been using a Kindle Paperwhite for more than a decade, by the way, and the device, which is my second tablet, holds hundreds (not a thousand yet though) of e-books ranging from Japanese to English fictions and non-fictions. It's my buddy! I take it with me wherever I go.  

Japan has been promoting digitization, gearing up to establish a digital agency, but before that, Japan has several (or many?) things to do, such as:
1. distributing laptops/tablets to children to give them equal opportunities for education;
2. allowing businesses to e-sign instead of stamping seals for document authentication;
3. allowing ministries/agencies to etransmit documents (they currently fax them😲); 
4. holding as many public meetings as possible online, including parliamentary sessions; 
5. posting online the minutes of as many public meetings as possible

I strongly recommend No. 4 because this can and should be done now. Japanese lawmakers still physically gather in one place. Vaccination minister Taro Kono often attends meetings virtually. Others should follow suit. Of course, someone falling asleep during the deliberation should be disqualified in the next election.   
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1. 子供にPCを配付する(教育の機会均等)
2. 商取引についてハンコじゃなくて電子署名を認める
3. 省庁の書類送付をメールでできるようにする(今FAXなんです😲)
4. オンライン会議を増やす(特に国会審議)
5. 議事録はネット掲載


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