Japanese Women Can Be Sexist - The Discriminated Can Become The Discriminator 女版「森元総理」

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Gender discrimination has been a hot issue in Japan "thanks to" a former prime minister Yoshiro Mori's sexist remark*.
* Mori said on February 3 at a Japan Olympic Committee Council meeting, “Women have a strong sense of rivalry. If one (female) member raises her hand to speak, all the others feel the need to speak too. Everyone ends up saying something.”

Many Japanese criticized Mori, and a s a result, he stepped down as the president of Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee and has been replaced by the then Olympics Minister Seiko Hashimoto, a female ex-Olympic athlete who competed in seven Summer and Winter Olympics as a cyclist and a skater. Are you happy with this ending, i.e., a man, who is generally sexist, has been replaced by a woman, who cannot be sexist? If you feel that way, you're naive!!

Women can be sexist. It's like the abused becoming the abuser unless the abused get over the trauma. In other words, almost all high ranking women, who must have been discriminated at sometime in their career because they are female, are highly likely to do what they have been done to other women. 

Look at Makiko Yamada, a cabinet public relations secretary, who is reported to have said in June 2020 that she was a woman who would never turn down an invitation to go drinking. Japanese people tend to make decisions that matter not at meetings but while drinking, but this excludes most women, who generally need to go home as soon as possible to fix dinner and/or pick up kids, from important decision making. Ms. Yamada has promoted such exclusive and non-diverse culture rather than saying or doing something to make workplace inclusive and diverse. She's no different from Mori.
I also know three women in their 40s who said to a friend of mine graduating from the University of Tokyo, one of the most prestigious universities in Japan, that it was mottainai, i.e., a waste, of talent for her to be single and not to have children. It's her choice whether to get married and be a parent. These three women said that mothers should stay at home.  

I don't know if Hashimoto is a "female version of Mori," but given Mori being her mentor for more than 20 years, I'm pretty sure she is. Japan should not be under the illusion that being a woman proves her innocence. Being a woman proves nothing but her sex.  

By the way, the term "mottainai" is usually used positively in the context of promoting "reduce, reuse and recycle," but everything has an exception. To see another negative usage of "mottainai" (in addition to such use by the three women), read this post!😁 

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