Vinca Major/Minor - A Sign of Spring and Hay Fever😂 (姫?)ツルニチニチソウ - 春と花粉症の訪れ😂

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is vinca major or more commonly bigleaf periwinkle or large periwinkle, or vinca minor or commonly lesser periwinkle or dwarf periwinkle. It's been rare to find new flowers recently. They must be a sign of spring!

Vinca major or vinca minor 姫か?姫じゃないのか?

Vinca minor is called "princess vinca" 姫ツルニチニチソウ?

The purple color is pretty! 紫がきれい!

Hardier than they appear 見かけよりたくましい 

Vinca minor is called "princess vinca" in Japanese, which I like more. "Lessor" and "dwarf" are clearer to convey what vinca minor is like, but "princess" sounds pretty... 

Both vinca major/minor bloom from spring to autumn, so they are telling us spring is coming soon and the "hay fever or pollen allergy" season as well!! Japan has more than 25 million hay fever patients, and this has caused a heated discussion of how to distinguish between hay fever and COVID-19 patients. My pollen allergy symptoms are minor, only a running nose and coughing, but even such minor symptoms in public should scare people this year, which makes me wonder if I should buy an "I have a pollen allergy" badge..... 

The badge says "I have a pollen allergy," "Not infectious," or "Sorry for coughing but I have hay fever," etc. A pollen allergy has created a pretty big market for not only drugs but badges in Japan.   

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