Helleborus Orientalis (Lenten Rose) Changes Its Name 寒芍薬(クリスマスローズ)は百面相?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is helleborus orientalis or more commonly lenten rose in my neighborhood. 

Helleborus orientalis 寒芍薬

Lenten rose クリスマスローズ

Lenten rose buds 蕾

Lenten rose is used in the Japanese tea ceremony and called differently in the ceremony depending on when used as follows:
"Emerging from snow" in Dec. and Jan. as it's resistant to cold and emerges from the snow. 
"Setsubun plant" on the date of setsubun, i.e., February 2 or 3. 
"Paper plant umbrella" after setsubun through March for the similarity of the leaf shape.

In Japan, some fish also change the name as they grow, such as amberjack from:
"Mojako" → "Wakashi" → "Inada" → "Warasa" → "Buri." 

Such complexity sometimes irritates me but other times makes me realize what makes the Japanese language as it is, i.e., UNORGANIZEDNESS (but not disorganizedness)!!! Japanese people are not good at organizing things, so they have no statistical data when dealing with COVID-19.
If you're interested in green and purple hellebores, read this post, too!!

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「雪起こし」 12月から雪の降る頃。寒さに強く、冬枯れの大地で雪を持ち上げて花を咲かせるから。
「節分草」 節分の頃。
「八手花笠」 立春から3月頃。葉を八手に見立てて。

出世魚と同じですね😊 日本語って整理されてないから訳すとき大変なんです。。。


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