Is Shadowing Effective? シャドーイングの効用

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

In Japan, shadowing is a very famous English learning technique recommended by many English teachers and websites. Repeating after the speaker requires more concentration than that required otherwise and when we can't catch what the speaker says, our mouths stop moving. More concentration should improve listening skills and pronunciation. I've been doing this for a long time and recommending it to others as well. However, some native speakers criticize the technique, saying that a language can only be learned through communication with others. In a sense, this is true.

Shadowing is effective to improve English listening skills, which, however, doesn't necessarily improve speaking skills because the technique provides means to acquire skills to parrot what the speaker says, but not to comprehend their message and effectively convey our thoughts. We, Japanese, lack the abilities to express ourselves since we are not educated as such, i.e., we are told to do what we are told to do and as long as we do so, we are protected or believe we are. Look at the MOF scandal, i.e., tampering with public documents under implicit or explicit instructions from the minister. And in workplace, too. Some big guys still prefer those without brains to those who think.

In conclusion, shadowing is effective, but not enough. The reason why Prime Minister Abe has been always parroting, oops, rephrasing what Trump says is that he's done shadowing too much......


スピーキングって聞くだけじゃだめだ。相手が言わんとしていることを理解して、自分の考えを相手に的確に伝える能力が必要だ。そして相手を理解し、自分を伝えるには、日本人が最も苦手とする、「自分の考えを整理し、それを言葉にする」という能力が求められる。これがね..... そもそも日本ではいちいち考える人間より、「考える前に動く」人間の方が重宝されるでしょ。学校教育は変わったといっても、仕事の場ではまだまだロボットを好む傾向が強いのではなかろうか。


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