Chakrasamvara in Union With Consort or Yab-Yum 💛 チャクラサンヴァラ父母仏立像

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Chakrasamvara with consort
Nepal or Tibet

Yab-Yum with full of love

Nepal or Tibetan gods are more open to love and less ascetic, aren't they? They are Chakrasamvara, a wrathful deity, and his consort, showing their love in a surprisingly straightforward manner. But that's not the case only for Nepal or Tibet.

Japan used to be quite open to love and sex as shown in shunga or erotic ukiyo-e. This changed in the Meiji period as a result of the import of the idea of Christian purity and chastity.  

Japan also used to be less discriminatory against women. Their social status dropped during the Edo period (1603-1868) because of the discriminatory attitudes of Ieyasu Tokugawa toward women according to Michiko Nagai, a Japanese female author of historical fiction. Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa shogunate, began the Edo period spanning over 260 years. The decline in women's social status in Japan is one legacy from that period and still remains unresolved.

You can see this couple at Tokyo National Museum.


ちなみに実態、実質(substance)という言葉は会計税務でもよく使われます。「substance over form(形式より実態が優先する)」という用語があり、「取引がたとえ形式的には法令順守していても、実態、実質が満たしていなければ順守しているとはみなされない」という意味です。覚えておくと便利です。

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